Flag of JapanJapanese yen
Flag of SwitzerlandSwiss Franc

Japanese yen to Swiss Franc

Sunday, May 19, 2024
1 Swiss Franc = ¥ 170.68 Yen
Calculator from Swiss Franc to Japanese yen -
Swiss Francs CHF
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Using this currency converter, you can find the latest exchange rate for the Swiss Franc (ISO Code: CHF) against the Japanese yen (ISO Code: JPY) and a calculator to convert from Swiss Francs (CHF) to Yen (JPY). In the following table you'll find information about the Japanese yen and the Swiss Franc.

Japanese yen

Country: Japan


Variation against USD:

Devaluated -0,66% in the last 30 days.

Devaluated -11,36% in the last year.

The Japanese yen is the currency of Japan. In 2016 Japan received a total of $ 3.818.908.779 USD in remittances.
Swiss Franc

Country: Switzerland


Variation against USD:

Devaluated -0,16% in the last 30 days.

Devaluated -1,33% in the last year.

The Swiss Franc is the currency of Switzerland. Among the countries that border with Switzerland are: Austria, Germany (Euro / Swiss Franc converter), France and Italy. In 2016 Switzerland received a total of $ 2.493.570.398 USD in remittances.
Conversion Guide for Printing
From Yen (JPY) to Swiss Francs (CHF)
5.00 Yen0.03 Swiss Francs
10.00 Yen0.06 Swiss Francs
50.00 Yen0.29 Swiss Francs
100.00 Yen0.59 Swiss Francs
500.00 Yen2.93 Swiss Francs
1,000 Yen5.86 Swiss Francs
5,000 Yen29.29 Swiss Francs
10,000 Yen58.59 Swiss Francs
50,000 Yen292.95 Swiss Francs
100,000 Yen585.90 Swiss Francs
From Swiss Francs (CHF) to Yen (JPY)
1 Swiss Francs170.68 Yen
5 Swiss Francs853.39 Yen
10 Swiss Francs1,707 Yen
50 Swiss Francs8,534 Yen
100 Swiss Francs17,068 Yen
500 Swiss Francs85,339 Yen
1,000 Swiss Francs170,679 Yen
5,000 Swiss Francs853,393 Yen
10,000 Swiss Francs1,706,785 Yen
50,000 Swiss Francs8,533,927 Yen